making peas soup is easy and wont take too much time. it is best food to serve as snack in evening for family and guest to awe them with your cooking skills. it also goes well with different main course food recipes like grilled non veg platter, grilled vegetable platter, baked pies, quinoa veggies platter etc. the truffle oil on the top will give your soup nice aroma and better taste to make Pea soup with white truffle oil more scrumptious to eat.
peas are grown in winter season but this pea soup works great in winter and summer time also so you can use fresh peas if you have them or buy frozen from super market to make this delicious peas soup. green peas comes with vitamin B, Vitamin K, vitamin C along with many other nutrients in it which are required for proper working or our body on daily basis.
Besides making soup you can make pea puree for different recipes, pea soufflés, pea mousse, pea pies, pea dips and many different recipes to enjoy with different dishes. below is my recipe for making your favorite pea soup in about 10 minutes with stove, pot and blender easily. it is a great recipe for people who loves vegetarian food items or vegan food items to healthy lifestyle and fit body.
Green peas soup with white truffle oil
- 300 grams peas
- salt
- pepper
- rosemary
- thyme
- white truffle oil
- 200 ml cream
- 250 ml vegetable stock (replace with water if no stock)
- onion and celery (optional)
In a normal pot add all the peas along with vegetable stock for little water, cream and thyme and rosemary and let it boil for couple of minutes till everything becomes soft in the pan. then blend everything finely with the help of hand blender or after it gets cooled transfer the mixture to electric blender for blending it to make puree.
once the mixture is completely blended then let it cook on low heat for some more time, while its one stove add the salt, pepper or herbs of your choice and white truffle oil one spoon at a time to adapt to its taste.
then its made after 2-4 minutes of heating, add it to serving bowl and garnish it with drizzle of truffle oil or cream on top with some parsley or thyme leaves minced to enjoy with your family and friends
you can add couple of other green vegetables also in pea soup like green beans, spinach, kale etc. as they are also nutritious and would give good taste to your pea soup.
adding some seasoning and different herbs and spices like oregano mix, mint, dill seeds, soaked chia seeds etc would make it more tasty
some people also add cottage cheese cubes, tofu cubes, pecorino cubes, ricotta cheese as garnish for pea soup to make it more good looking, better tasting, filling and nutritious
if you a fan of white truffles and can afford them as they are expensive then you can also add few slices of it on top of the serving bowl besides adding the truffle oil to take the taste of your pea soup to next level.
if you cant get white truffle oil which is best suited for this recipe due to its good taste and pairing combination with peas then you can make it at home also by using any light flavored oil like olive oil etc. and keep the sliced truffle in oil of jar or any container for few hours to 1 day before using. keep it in fridge for best preservation. it will last up to 3-7 days so don’t make it large batches rather smaller ones to consume with small time frame for best time frame. you can try with other truffles also to see if it works for your taste preference but i like white one best for this recipe.
nutrition values of this truffle pea soup is shared below for you to know more about before you make your pea truffle soup
- Calories: 390 kcal
- Potassium: 375 mg
- Fiber: 7 gram
- Saturated Fat: 19 gram
- Polyunsaturated Fat: 1 gram
- Cholesterol: 118 mg
- Sodium: 370 mg
- Sugar: 8 gram
- Vitamin A: 1936 IU
- Vitamin C: 1541 IU
- Protein: 9 gram
- Carbohydrates: 24 gram
- Calcium: 55 mg
- Fat: 35 gram
Hope you like the simple recipe of pea soup with white truffle oil shared above to enjoy with your friends and family. it is nutritious and tasty. let me know your experience of making it in comments section below. you can have your pea soup with tempeh, garbanzo beans, veggies salad, hominy as a side dish. checkout my recipe for carrot soup which is also good to try if you are a carrot lover.

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