Squash is a highly versatile vegetable used in a variety of ways. People use it in fritters, soups as a main dish and many more. With all the types of squash available, each has its flavour and texture.
In some ways, it’s an economical crop since you can have winter squashes like butternuts, pumpkins and acorns. Summer squashes are zucchini and other varieties such as Crookneck squashes. It is essential to keep them fresh for longer. It is a good idea when you have more than you need for your family, even though they’re not in the season.
The flavour of yellow squash is simply delicious, and we’re sure you’re likely to agree with us since there’s no other way to describe it. When you’ve bought lots of squash but did not intend to cook it immediately, the idea of freezing your yellow squash will work just as well just like spaghetti squash.
Check out more!
Can you freeze yellow squash?
Yellow squash is a type of squash grown in summer. The summer squashes differ from winter squashes because they have thinner and more delicate skins than the other varieties available in the colder months, like Butternut squash.
Various yellow squash varieties comprise Yellow Crookneck, Straightneck, and Scallop squash. They all have distinct textures – some are bumpy, while others are smooth. However, the skin is always that distinctive yellow colour.
A popular method of preserving summer squashes is pressure canning. However, we do not recommend this technique because it causes the squash to become unbalanced and mushy when cooked because of its texture. Drying can be a viable option for preservation, but it’s not as effective as freezing. Drying zucchini can yield around 3/4 lbs of dried squash out of the 10 pounds of fresh produce. That’s not a particularly efficient method.
Vacuum packing and freezing is the best way to stop moisture from forming during the freezing process and prolong the shelf time.
How to Freeze Fresh Squash?
We’ll walk you through the steps to freezing squash to keep it on hand whenever you require it.
Step 1: Wash and Peel The Squash
You should utilize fresh pumpkins when you plan on freezing them for a prolonged duration. Begin by washing the squash thoroughly before you peel it. Due to the tough nature of this squash, you can place it under the heat for around five minutes, which means it’s soft, before peeling it.
Simply cut off the ends, and within three to five minutes, allow it to cool before peeling off the squash’s skin using the help of a vegetable peeler. It’s easy to remove.
Step 2: Cut the squash into pieces.
Some prefer cutting pieces of squash into any size you prefer.
Step 3. Freeze
Once you’ve chopped the squash to the same size of your choice, take an oven sheet and place it on top of parchment paper. Transfer the perfectly cut and uniformly chopped squash to the baking sheet lined with parchment paper and arrange them so that they can freeze instead of forming a huge mass.
Then, just place the baking sheet in the freezer for a night.
Step 4: Keep The Squash
When the squash is frozen, place it in the freezer-safe zip-lock bags and place frozen. Note your date of purchase on the bag to ensure you can monitor the shelf’s life span since you can only keep it for 6 to 12 months.
How do I Freeze Squash to make Frying?
Frying squash is the same as the previous step except for one step. Once you have cut your squash into slices, you can season them by adding salt, pepper, and other spices you usually apply. After that, coat them with flour. Shake off any flour left and then place them on layers of freezer paper, just as you would with normally frozen squash.
If you’re ready to fry them, just take out the required ingredients and place them in the frozen grease. They’ll thaw in only a few minutes after cooking. Don’t let them melt before cooking; they can turn pasty and gooey because of the flour and moisture.
Freezing Squash Without Blanching
It’s not difficult to freeze squash. However, it’s best to freeze your squash as an option to store your veggies for long periods. Can I freeze squash that’s not blanched? Contrary to what many believe, winter squash doesn’t require blanching before freezing.
Like storing potatoes, cut off the ends of the round end of the squash. Then use a vegetable peeler to take off the vegetable’s outer layer. After peeling the squash, cut it into 1-inch pieces and arrange them in an even layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
Put the baking sheet into the freezer for the vegetables for two hours to avoid them getting stuck together in storage.
Place the frozen items in zip lock bags, pushing as many air pockets as possible to avoid freezer burn and seal them up. Note the bag’s date and contents, and keep them for up to 12 months in the freezer.
Utilize the same method when freezing celery. Instead of taking celery stalks and freezing them, cut the stalks into pieces so that you can incorporate them into smoothies and soups.
How do I defrost Frozen Yellow Squash?
Transfer the container from the freezer to the refrigerator for defrosting the frozen squash. Give up to a few hours for the squash to freeze. You must not defrost the gourd when it is below room temperature. Its texture may alter because of extreme temperature fluctuations!
Defrosting slowly is crucial to keeping the texture and flavour of the yellow squash. Once it’s tender enough, you can simply cut it into your preferred forms and cook it.
If the yellow squash has not been cooked in soups or stews, there is no need to heat it. Add the yellow squash frozen midway through cook time.
How to Make Use of Leftover/Extra Squash?
Soup: Use the leftover squash to make a pot of soup. Roast the squash and mix it with the stock, herbs and spices to make an aromatic soup.
Hummus: Mix boiled or roasted squash with tahini, garlic, lemon juice, and salt to create a fantastic Hummus dip. Serve with fresh vegetables and whole-grain crackers to make an easy and healthy snack.
Quinoa Pilaf: Combine cooked quinoa, roast squash, diced red onion, chopped almonds or pine nuts, dried cranberries and chopped almonds. Sprinkle with salt or pepper, and add any spices or herbs you prefer. This is a beautiful accompaniment to holiday meals.
Pancakes: Add cooked and mashed squash.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you freeze squash without cooking it first?
Yes, you can put it in the freezer without blanching. You blanch before freezing to block the enzymes that deteriorate the flavour. However, it’s not intended to be safe. The taste is good if you consume the squash within 4 to 6 weeks.
Can Squash be frozen raw?
It is possible to freeze butternut squash pieces like how you put berries in a freezer: Spread them on a baking sheet so they do not touch and then freeze until hard. You can then put them into a freezer container with enough room to expand.
How long can you keep the squash in the freezer?
If properly packed and frozen, the squash will remain fresh for around ten months when stored in the freezer.

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