Pesto sauce is a well-known condiment with a history that dates back to the middle of the 19th century in Liguria. The original preparation involved pounding and smashing leaves with other ingredients, usually raw garlic, salt and olive oil, in a marble mortar with pestelludiwood (which gave the sauce its name). Pesto is a famous sauce for Italian dishes due to its versatility.
You can use it to prepare pasta, pizza, soups, stews, marinades and sandwiches. Pesto is a slow-cooked dish made in large quantities.
Whether homemade or purchased from the store, you can use Pesto in various delicious recipes. This is a great summer treat found at any farmer’s market or roadside stand selling fresh basil. The refrigerator can keep them fresh for up to a week. Therefore, frozen Pesto is an excellent option for longer storage.
Can you freeze Pesto?
Yes, it is possible to freeze Pesto. You can freeze it with almost no modifications. The only problem with this sauce is when it thaws. During thawing, it will start to lose some of its texture. You will need to improve Pesto’s quality before freezing to preserve its texture and color. To make Pesto, you can blanch the basils in boiling water, and salt will keep the fresh basil flavor longer.
It would help if you only freeze enough Pesto to be used within a few days. Pesto has a very short shelf life in the freezer, only about one month. Make sure you only make enough to last for a month. The quality of the product will decrease if it isn’t used within a few months, and it is visible when you will use them in soups or pasta.
How to Freeze Pesto?
A great way to preserve the freshness and vibrancy in a tasty batch of pesto is to freeze it. Make your pesto according to your favourite basil pesto recipe. Use fresh basil whenever possible, and then freeze the pesto immediately. You can cut down on prep time by doing everything in advance for future pesto dishes.
You can freeze pesto in an ice cube tray, glass jars, or other freezer-safe containers. Different methods can produce slightly different results, and it all depends on how you store and use your pesto. However, it is noteworthy that Pesto can be stored in the freezer for up to six months.
Two ways to freeze pesto
You can freeze your pesto once you have made it.
- Use an ice cube tray.
You can freeze a batch of pesto in an ice cube tray for future use. Fill the tray with pesto and place it in the freezer. Once the cubes get frozen (it shouldn’t take more than a few hours), you can remove them from the tray. Then, place them in a freezer bag. Place the cubes in a freezer bag and label them with the date.
A thin layer of olive oils should be brushed on top of each cube to maintain the green color of the pesto. Place a sheet of plastic wrap on top of the tray. After the pesto cubes are frozen, take off the plastic wrap and transfer the cubes into a plastic bag. The extra olive oil can prevent the pesto from turning brown due to oxidation.
- Keep in glass jars.
Small glass jars such as four-ounce or half-pint jars are ideal for pesto preservation in the freezer. Simply prepare your pesto and pour it into the jars. Secure the lids and place them in the freezer.
Will pesto change color after freezing?
You must top Pesto with oil to protect it from drying out in the air. This will prevent your fresh green color from becoming darker. This is not necessary. Although the flavor is the same regardless of the color, you can add a little oil to protect the Pesto. You can freeze it covered for around an hour or until it becomes solid. Once it is solid, take the containers out of the container and put them in an airtight container or bag.
Alongside adding an oil layer before freezing a large amount of Pesto, you could apply another method to help keep the basil’s vibrant green color. To make a truly stunningly green pesto, you have to start from the beginning with the basil. Before you begin whirling the leaves of basil through the food processor, they have the chance to soak into boiling water (in other words, you need to blanch the leaves) for it to set the green color that remains an amazing, brilliant green when transformed into Pesto.
Three Tips to Freeze Pesto
We’ve got three tips to help you freeze Pesto.
- Use Ice Cubes- Ice cubes make Pesto in small portions and can also be used to freeze Pesto. Grab a cube if you only need one serving. If you have to serve more than one person, grab two cubes.
- Seal with oil- A very effective seal is oil. Pesto is a foe of oxidation, so seal it with oil to stop any air from entering. This is the best way to freeze Pesto without it turning brown.
- Do Not Defrost- Pesto can be used immediately after it has been frozen. Simply drop one cube of Pesto into the pasta and heat it on low heat until it melts.
Using Frozen Pesto
There are many inventive options to include Pesto into your recipes beyond adding it to pasta. If you have unexpected guests, you need to prepare a quick appetizer using the Pesto that has been defrosted as a spread on crostini and top it with slices of mozzarella and tomatoes. Mix it into a simple salad dressing, or sprinkle on a chicken or turkey sandwich. Serve with grilled vegetables, or alter your usual pizza by adding Pesto as an ingredient on top.
How Can You Defrost Pesto?
There is no need to defrost Pesto when you intend to cook using it. Get your pesto cubes and place them directly in your hot pan or hot pot. Continue to stir until your Pesto is back to its smooth texture. If the Pesto becomes more watery or watery than you’d like, you could add a few drops of olive oil. It is also possible to add crushed greens like spinach, peas or herbs to improve the texture.
If you’d like to make Pesto for dipping, then you can defrost your Pesto and let it rest at room temperatures for approximately 30 minutes. If you want to accelerate the process, put the Pesto in the microwave. This process will take only a few seconds, so be vigilant about it. It’s important to note that Pesto, once moved in the microwave, should not be frozen again.
Pesto is a quick and easy dish that takes very little preparation. You can freeze fresh Pesto to enjoy it all year.
Can you freeze pesto that has cheese?
Yes, the pesto can be frozen and cheese inside. It is possible to use all of the techniques described above. However, keeping the cheese out of the mix is recommended until you’ve defrosted the pesto. This will aid in keeping the pesto in good condition in the frozen freezer longer.
Can you freeze the opened pesto?
After opening, all pesto should be put into an airtight container and placed in the refrigerator. If it’s stored in freezer-safe containers, it is possible to freeze and defrost using it in an ice-cold bowl or the fridge for a night.
How can you keep pesto looking green after you freeze it?
The flavor will remain the same regardless of the color, but if you desire to keep your pesto’s fresh appearance and feel, adding a touch of oil to keep it from getting damaged will be an important thing to consider. Then, after it has been frozen, let it sit for an hour or so until it is solid. Then, take it off the containers and then place the pieces in a freezer bag that is airtight or container.

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