Cauliflower is a great source of vitamins such as C and B-6. In addition, it has antioxidants and fiber in it. In simple words, Cauliflower is a healthy high-carb, low-carb, and versatile vegetable.
People use Cauliflower in a variety of recipes. It is possible to cook, mash, or roast cauliflowers for a meal to go with potato soup for a filling meal to satisfy your hunger. You can also cook cauliflower rice. The problem is that Cauliflower doesn’t have an extended shelf life. You can purchase them at supermarkets, but you can’t give them a voucher to prove their freshness. How can you keep fresh Cauliflower fresh?
Can you freeze Cauliflower?
Freezing Cauliflower is a fantastic method to reduce food waste. It can also make the cooking process quicker when you cook it using frozen.
Like all vegetables, when frozen raw, the texture, color, and taste value diminishes. Therefore, ensure that you blanch it to retain these nutrients. Always choose fresh Cauliflower also.
If you’re not planning to blanch the florets before freezing, chop or dice them in pieces, put them in a tray, and freeze them until they are solid. Transfer into a freezer bag, label it and finally seal, removing any air. There will be some deterioration, like in the previous paragraph, and it’s best to use it for cooking within a few weeks.
How To Blanch and Freeze Cauliflower
Always freeze Cauliflower while it’s still fresh. If the Cauliflower approaches its expiry date, it may not keep well in the freezer.
Step 1: Wash
Take the fresh outer leaves of the green Cauliflower and rinse the head thoroughly to get rid of any garden bugs or sand hidden between the florets.
For a thorough cleaning to remove all dirt, wash the Cauliflower with salt water. Fill with water in a bowl and add 1 to 2 spoons of salt. Stir to dissolve. Let the Cauliflower sit in the bowl for a couple of minutes before washing it.
Step 2: Cut
Remove any brown or damaged florets, and then cut off the stem, the lowest part of the entire head of Cauliflower, using the help of a sharp knife. Separate the florets and cut them into smaller pieces before removing them from their heads.
Step 3: Blanch
Bring an enormous pot of water over the stove. When the water has heated, fill a separate bowl with frozen water. The amount of time needed to blanch will be contingent on the size of the floret.
The larger florets of Cauliflower take longer to cook; therefore, if you cut chunks of large size, you should add them to the boiling water pot first.
After they’ve cooked for about one minute, add the medium-sized florets to the boiling water. Then, after another 15 minutes, put the smaller pieces and cook for 60 minutes. If you simmer the Cauliflower too long, it’ll turn soft and mushy upon thawing.
Remove the Cauliflower immediately using the help of a spoon slotted and then put it in the water bath to stop the cooking process.
Step 4: Dry
After cooling, remove the Cauliflower blanched out of the bowl filled with the ice water. Dry it using a dry towel to eliminate the water droplets and excess moisture.
Step 5: Flash Freeze
The cauliflower florets are spread out in single layers on a baking sheet and then put in the freezer. To avoid sticking to the frozen sheet, it is recommended to cover the baking pan with parchment first.
Do not freeze cauliflower florets with a lid for at least an hour (or enough time to freeze fully). Flash-freezing stops the Cauliflower from being stuck together after being packed.
Step 6: Take a bag
Remove the frozen florets off the baking sheet to resealable freezer bags.
As the air as you can before sealing. If more moisture or air surrounds the Cauliflower, the more chances of freezing burns forming and damage to the texture.
If you don’t own heavy-duty storage bags for your freezer, you could also use a freezer-safe container.
Step 7: Label and freeze
The freezer date should be written on the bag so that you know the date when you kept the Cauliflower in the freezer.
How Long Can You Freeze Cauliflower?
It is possible to freeze Cauliflower for 6 to 12 months.
If you freeze the cauliflower rice, it can remain in the refrigerator for two months.
If you wish to keep them longer, it is recommended to freeze your Cauliflower after blanching them.
Cauliflower frozen and not blanched is best eaten within a few months.
While Cauliflower can last for a long time when stored in the freezer, it is recommended to consume them earlier instead of later.
The longer it is inside the refrigerator, the mushier it will become after it has thawed.
Can You Freeze Fresh Cauliflower Without Blanching?
Suppose you plan to use it within the next four to six weeks. If you’d rather keep it for long-term storage, blanching is the method to take.
Blanching assists in locking in flavor and keeps the food safe for storage. It’s an easy procedure that takes just 10 mins.
How To Thaw Frozen Cauliflower?
Since frozen cauliflower is best served for cooking, there’s no need to defrost your frozen vegetables. You can pull the cauliflower straight from the freezer and put it in the dish you’re making.
There’s already been some breakdown in the cauliflower’s texture in the blanching and freezing process. This means that the cauliflower that is frozen doesn’t need a long time to cook.
If you’re looking to defrost cauliflower, the most efficient method is to put it in the fridge for a night to allow it to defrost.
How To Use Frozen Cauliflower?
The pre-cooked cauliflower that is frozen can be very easy to use. You can cook it when it is frozen or after the thawing process. Here are some ways to make use of the frozen cauliflower in your fridge:
- Convert into a tasty stew, soup, and curry;
- Make use of cauliflower for fried rice and stir-fries
- baked dishes (roasted cauliflower, cauliflower gratin, cheesy cauliflower casserole);
- simple steamed cauliflower;
- Creamy mashed cauliflower.
- make roasted cauliflower bowl
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do You Freeze Cauliflower In The Microwave?
The process of freezing cauliflower is easy and fast in the microwave. Place the cauliflower in a glass or plastic container and let it sit for two hours. Once frozen, thawing will happen naturally. Therefore there’s no need to be concerned about it.
Many people prefer to use an oven to heat up before placing the cauliflower frozen in the oven. However, we suggest doing this only if you own microwaves that can cook frozen food to high temperatures without burning it. After the cauliflower is cooked, remove it from the oven and serve!
Is Cauliflower Good After Frozen?
Cauliflower is a cruciferous plant and, as such, contains a significant amount of water. It is because, during the blanching process, it’s essential to lower the amount of water to allow the cauliflower to become crisp. This method is utilized in various dishes, such as soups made of lentils and quinoa, stir-fried vegetables, and rice made from cauliflower.
Is Cauliflower Good After Frozen?
Cauliflower is a very popular vegetable that can be frozen and eaten later. The benefits of freezing cauliflower include that it’s already cooked and ready to consume, is low in calories, and is a rich source of fibre in the diet.

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