One of the most valuable, still fewer concern parts of your home is your ultimate kitchen. Everything you consume, either directly or indirectly, has been referred by your kitchen.
Your kitchen is an integral part of your daily meals. As all activities of your kitchen are directly related to your body, you just cannot ignore the safety and cleanliness of your kitchen. There are possibilities of some critical diseases if you don’t pay enough attention to the proper cleanliness of the kitchen and its appliances. So it is very important to keep the place clean regularly.
Let us see how you can clean some important appliances in your kitchen.
Clean your Refrigerator
If someone asks you that which is probably the dirtiest part of your appliances, the answer is simple! It is the backside of your refrigerator. It’s the most ignored part of not only your kitchen but also your home. It’s the abode for cockroaches, insects, and germs.
The refrigerator contains vegetables, milk, soups, eggs, curry, cold drinks, etc. It is also important to clean your fridge; both inside and outside, regularly.
How to clean?
- Cleaning of items inside the refrigerator:
- First of all, switch-off the connection of your refrigerator. Then make your refrigerator empty by plucking items inside it.
- Remove all shelves, drawers and all other removable items from your fridge and collect them all near the sink where you can easily clean them.
- Now, first of all, wash all the gathered items by hand and water. Then apply dish soap over them. Some items may need brushing, sponging and scrubbing too!
- Be cautious while washing a clod glass shelf. Never apply hot water over them. The sudden change of temperature could cause harm to the glass. Rather, wash them with cold water. Let it match the room temperature and then washing it is a good idea.
- Use hot water along with ammonia in the ratio of 1:5, if there is a heavy spill or stain and wait for some time for the soaking the combination before scrubbing the item.
- After washing the items, let them dry completely. Once again, rub them with a dry, clean cloth before inserting them back into the fridge.
- Cleaning inside of the refrigerator
- Rub the whole surface with clean cloth or sponge.
- Never use a strong fragrant soap inside the refrigerator as your food items could easily absorb that smell.
- Clean inside of your fridge with one of the following solutions:
- Mix baking soda with a quarter of hot water. It needs 2 tablespoons of baking soda.
- Mix 1 part of vinegar in 3 parts of hot water.
- If there is a major stain; apply a part of white toothpaste over it. It serves as a cleanser with a nice fragrance.
- Never forget t clean the inside area such as shelving space and open space of the doors of your refrigerator with the help of any solution described above.
- Dry off all shelves with the help of dry cloth before placing them inside their respective places.
- Clean the gasket with the same solution of water and vinegar.
- Wipe off all bottles, jars, baskets and other essential storage items and then put them carefully inside the fridge.
- Cleaning of the exterior of the refrigerator:
- First of all, wipe off all exterior of the fridge that includes the front side, backside, adjutant sides, and top side of your refrigerator.
- Pull off the refrigerator in the forward direction. Clean all sides by using a good cleaner.
- Don’t wipe the backside of your refrigerator if there is the coil mounted. It needs other treatment to clean that part.
- Cleaning off the back of the refrigerator:
- You need to have other treatments while cleaning the backside of your fridge. There are condenser coils and fan blades. It is one of the most ignorant areas of cleaning when you think of your kitchen. They are usually covered with dust, stains, debris, and hair. First of all, you need to unplug the refrigerator from power source. Gently remove dust particles from the coil with the use of coil brush. Never use any sort of liquid solution to clean the coil. To clean the fan blade, use the damp rag along with coil brush.
Cleaning your Coffee Machine
To save clogging of your machine from the dirt and stains, you need to remove them by cleaning your machine thoroughly. Make a solution of two parts of water and 1 part of vinegar. Pour that solution into a water chamber and insert a coffee filter and mix that solution into the machine. After that, rinse the water chamber and run clear water twice after it. It will help to remove vinegary taste of your coffee machine.
Cleaning of your Microwave
There are few items you can use in the cleaning of your microwave:
- A bowl filled with water with a mix of white vinegar in the ratio of 75:25.
- Specially designed microfiber cloths
- A lemon is sliced into the two parts.
- Before cleaning your microwave, read all the instructions given in the user’s manual. It is advisable because you can take decisions according to special instructions/s given in the manual as the procedure of cleaning needs to be carefully done. It gives you an insight if there is a need to use additional material while cleaning or whether the items we are using are feasible to your microwave or not.
- Detach all plates and removable parts from your microwave. Collect and wash them one-by-one according to the instructions given in the user manuals.
- Pour the bowl of water mixed with vinegar in your microwave.
- Start microwave for 4-5 minutes. See if inner walls are steamed up enough.
- Take a microfiber cloth and wipe out the inner side of your microwave smoothly. Be cautious as the bowl and the mixed water of vinegar may be hot at that time.
- After the heating up of the microwave, the dirt inside the microwave will be loosened by vinegary steam.
- Now, chop your lemon into two parts and that two parts of lemon(half-half) should be microwave for 1-2 minutes.
- The combination of the juice of the microwaved lemon and vinegar will kill off germs generated from the dirt, and loosen up anything that is badly carbonized inside the microwave. Moreover, the lemon will add the exotic fragrance to your microwave.
Oven Cleaning Process
Although modern ovens come with the self-cleaning options, there are some few spots where self-cleaning doesn’t work out. For example, gunk located near door hinges and frames, and space between double ovens.
You can easily clean the above parts of your great toaster oven by wiping them with vinegar or a solution of detergent-mixed water.
Cleaning of stovetop
Pull off knobs, burners, and hood vents. Soak them all in the bucket of hot, soapy water for 2-3 hours. Then scrub them all. Repeat this process if you feel it can use the cloth and little water/soap steps to clean portable induction cooktops also when cooking outside or inside the kitchen.
Wipe off all the materials with a dry and clean cloth and place them all in their original place.
Your dishwasher cleans all your utensils and cleans its upper body every time in the process of cleaning. But, have you noticed its bottom part? Have you checked the drain for debris? Have you wiped the gaskets and seals?
It is advised to deodorize it by placing the bowl of any of the following:
- 2 cups of baking soda.
- 2 cups of borax powder
- 1/2 cup of white vinegar.
- 1/2 cup of coarse salt.
- 20-25 drops of lemon essential oil.
Cookware Cleaning Process
Regular Cookware cleaning is mandatory as it’s the key element of the meals prepared for you. People may use different types of cookware, but the cleaning of this cookware is a challenging task as just using soap and water may not solve your overall cleaning purpose.
So there are some useful tips to clean your beloved cookware.
1. Use of the baking soda and a wooden spoon
· If your cookware needs to clean burnt stains from enameled parts; the use of baking soda and wooded spoon is ideal.
· Just add a 2-3 tablespoon of baking soda into the boiling water and stir it. After some time, start applying that mix to the enameled part of cookware with the help of the wooden spoon. Certainly, you will be experienced that the burnt stains are wearing off from your cookware.
2. Clean stainless steel Pots and Pans of the cookware with dish cleanser and polish powder
- With the passage of time, it’s a general tendency for the stainless steel part of your cookware to acquire some brown spots that you cannot get rid of your routine wash. You might opt for a good dish cleanser to clean that part thoroughly and apply the polish powder afterward. It will clean your pots and pans like never before! It will sparkle just like a new one…
3. Use of the mix of boiling water and white vinegar for removing rigid burnt-on stains from stainless steel utensils
- Some cooking disasters often cause burnt-on stains to your stainless steel utensils like pots and pans. No-one wants to be a part of this disaster, but it may happen to all kitchen doers somewhere; sometime as electric shocks to electricians…
- Now the solution to the above problem is to fill the pot with water and let it boil for a while on the stove or other gas. If stains persisted, mix some white vinegar into that boiled water. Stains will eventually loosen after some time. Then clean that spot with dry cloth.
4. A mixture of lemon and salt to clean a tarnished copper cookware
- Lemon and salt are two wonderful things that should be always a part of your kitchen for cleaning purposes. These two common things can change the look of your tarnished copper cookware. Just cut the lemon into the two halves. Add some salt over a halved lemon. Then scrub it over the tarnished copper surface of your pot.
- You can make the gel of the lemon juice and salt in the bowl and scrub that mixture gently over the affected area of the pot if your pot is delicate and fear that scrubbing will be a disaster as there will be scratches over the pot.
5. To clean your cast iron pan; choose a coarse mix of kosher salt and water
· You can easily clean your cast iron pan with the use of the rubbing of soft sponge with warm water. Never use the dish soap and steel wool to clean the cast iron pan. For more stuck-on food items cleaning, mix the coarse salt with warm water and scrub the affected area with a stiff brush. Always remember to dry the pan completely and coat it with a good vegetable oil afterward.
· Clear the deck of your kitchen
Separate all the necessary and unnecessary items of the kitchen and keep necessary items in their respective places and gather all unnecessary items into the basket. Then clean the desk of your kitchen by the soap water twice and pour fresh water after it. Rub the dirty surfaces and finally dry your deck.
· Clean all dirty dishes
Gather all dirty dishes in dishwater and pour hot, soapy water over them. Let them soak for a while.
- Clean all top corners
Let the dirt and debris fall on the floor because you are going to sweep it later. Use a long-handled duster for this purpose. Just see all corners, the tops of the cabinets, the light fixtures, top of your fridge and another related debris abode should be cleaned properly.
Checkout: slow cookers for kitchen cleaning
- Clean and wipe the upper and lower cabinet doors and drawers
You can use a rag dipped in warm, soapy water will do clean and wipe the upper and lower cabinet doors and drawers.
- Sweeping and Mopping the Floor
The use of a good broom or a dry duster is a good idea to deal with the sweeping. A bucket is needed while using a mop for the mopping of the kitchen floor.

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