Eggnog is a drink made up of cream, milk, sugar or artificial sweetener, and eggs. It’s a delicious drink if it’s not too heavy for you. Eggnog can be thought of as a drink that takes the shape of custard. It is created by soaking eggs in a beverage that binds the ingredients to form a smooth texture.
There are two types of eggnog: alcohol-free as well as alcohol-based. The type of alcohol used in eggnog can range from brandy to rum. The quantity of alcohol varies depending on the store type or homemaker who prepares eggnog.
Eggnog is best consumed fresh since it has a limited shelf-life, usually less than two weeks after the moment it’s made. If you’ve leftovers after the holidays or want to prolong their use and use them again, freezing the remaining eggnog could be a smart idea.
Can Eggnog Be Frozen?
Eggnog is made up of eggs, cream, and milk that are all considered to be sensitive to heat and highly perishable components. The shelf-life of eggnog stored in the refrigerator will be contingent on its exposure to heat, light, and moisture and the preparation process.
To prolong its shelf life, you can freeze eggnog leftovers, but they should be stored with care to avoid changes in texture, such as the separation of the ingredients or an unruly consistency. Because of pasteurization, store-bought or canned eggnog can stay fresh in the refrigerator for 5 to 7 days. However, homemade eggnog lasts only about one or two days. This is why freezing is the ideal option to avoid waste.
While freezing eggnog can extend its shelf-life by up to six months, its consistency can change after the eggnog is defrosted. This is not a problem since even if it isn’t consumed as a drink following the freezing process, it’s an excellent ingredient to use in desserts, baking, and cooking.
How to Freeze Homemade Eggnog?
It’s now an option to preserve eggnog, and we’ll discover how to store it in the freezer when you’ve prepared it yourself to keep it in top condition.
- After making your eggnog at your home, leave it at room temperature to ensure it can cool properly.
- Once it’s cool, when it’s cool, put the eggnog into your freezer or a plastic container for freezing. The eggnog expands when frozen, so you should leave 1 inch of room.
- Labeling that container using the year you began freezing is possible. This allows you to be updated whenever you have to utilize it.
This is also a good option when you buy your eggnog in the retailer and open its package. Place the eggnog that remains in a plastic bag or in a plastic freezer container, and then place it into the freezer.
How to Freeze Store-bought Eggnog?
If you bought eggnog prepared commercially from a retailer, follow these steps to store it.
It’s fairly easy to freeze eggnog that you buy from a store. There is no need to cook anything as it’s already made.
- Take the unopened bottle of eggnog carton, and place it on its side inside the freezer.
- It should remain there for a couple of hours.
- Once it has cooled and is solid, put it in a freezer bag, then take it back to the refrigerator.
- Because it is already freezing, you can put it on its side and lay it on its side according to the freezer’s space size.
- A plastic freezer bag is essential to safeguard the contents of the container and prevent freezing burns. The freezer bag helps you label the containers with the date of freezing so that you will be aware of when you should use them.
- The ideal temperature for keeping the eggnog in good condition is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. This is also required to remain constant. At the right temperature, your eggnog will remain in good shape for longer. A fluctuating temperature could negatively impact your eggnog’s quality and taste.
How to Defrost Frozen Eggnog?
After you have frozen the eggnog, you’ll be required to defrost your eggnog to drink it. While freezing is ideal for extending shelf life but it can cause an alteration in the texture after it has been defrosted.
To remove frozen eggnog from the freezer, you’ll need to keep it from being placed at room temperature. Instead, let the eggnog thaw in the refrigerator overnight and shake it well when you open it. It is the best method of thawing eggnog and not putting the ingredient at risk of spoilage.
When you defrost, eggnog stored well is safe to drink. But, when frozen, the ingredients likely have separated and resulted in a different texture. If the egg is not properly stored, frozen, or left for more than six months, you will see lumps that don’t blend back into. The result will be an unruly, watery-like consistency of defrosted eggnog, which is certainly not appealing to drink. However, it’s not all lost! “Lumpy Eggnog” can be used to cook or for baking.
What Happens If You Don’t Freeze Eggnog Properly?
Eggnog is made using certain more delicate and delicate substances. This is why it’s crucial to make sure to freeze it correctly. Imagine the disappointment you’ll confront if you take it out of your refrigerator and it has gone bad. It’s not something you want to happen. This to happen, would you?
If you do not correctly freeze eggnog, its structure will likely alter. In addition, if eggnog is not frozen properly, it becomes lumpy after defrosting. This is the reason you should be sure to store it properly.
How Long Can You Freeze Eggnog?
Eggnog can be frozen for about six months. It’s a great idea because homemade eggnog usually lasts a couple of days in the refrigerator before it begins to change. If you’ve cooked an eggnog batch for your loved ones at Christmas, it is recommended to freeze it once it’s cool enough to ensure it doesn’t get spoiled in the refrigerator.
If you are attracted to storing frozen eggnog for more than six months, we do not recommend against it. The ice crystals that develop can cause the eggnog to become diluted, which can cause it to taste less appealing!
Tips for Freezing Eggnog
Need some additional ways to freeze eggnog? We’ll look them up below.
- Cool down the homemade eggnog at room temperature before freezing it.
- Label the container before placing it into the freezer.
- Keep the drink frozen below 32 degF or 0 degC.
- The container should have room to allow the drink to expand during the freezing process.
- Do not defrost the drink at room temperature.
- Make sure to stir the drink well before reheating it.
- Reheat the eggnog thoroughly after defrosting it.
- You can also blend the drink once defrosted for a stronger consistency.
- checkout egg and cheese sandwich to eat with eggnog drink as it makes a good combination

Frequently Asked Questions
Is it possible to freeze the opened eggnog?
Eggnog is made of egg yolks, raw cream, and milk. These ingredients aren’t well-known to last in the refrigerator for long periods of time. However, you can store eggnog in a freezer.
How do you know if eggnog is bad?
It is easy to tell if the eggnog is bad when it’s lumpy, has a foul and unpleasant smell, and has its color changed, changing from a yellowish beige hue to a different hue.
What alcohol is in eggnog?
Eggnog is generally made with brandy, bourbon, or rum, and Brown prefers to begin with a mix of dark cognac and rum. However, there’s no need to invest in expensive products, and he suggests making use of a low-cost high-proof, VS cognac. The higher alcohol levels can cut through the sweetness of other ingredients.

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